Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yipee Photos

10 ass Caitlyn and her bold friends

I was in Louisville, KY when I met Caitlyn. She can talk and is looking for job after just finishing her school. But she avoided pic in the pretext that her boyfriend was sitting right behind me. I did not believe her. Nor did I give up. While I was waiting for her pseudo boyfriend to leave, I requested photo with her friends Venessa (to my right) and Adrianne. I looked at Adrianne's tag in order to address her but she realized that I was just staring at her boobs and she was quick to tell her name. Caitlyn volunteered to take the picture so that she does not have to be in it. I persisted after the guy left but she was unwilling. Then I took a tonne of her pics without her knowledge. As you will notice, she is not very gifted on the boob side but she is quite gifted in the rump.