Friday, July 15, 2011

Maddie Temecula CA Tilted Kilt TK

Maddie is quarter black and rest white. The result is full sexy. She disappeared for long durations, but when she did spend time at it seemed like forever. Mostly I have observed that the girls are very nice to you when it is about time you are planning to leave. This is with the hope of bagging a good tip. Maddie was no different.

Sexy Shannon Temecula CA Tilted Kilt TK

Ever-so-often I run across a girl with such humungous boobs. I wonder why these girls are so desperate to get attention that they are willing to undergo surgery merely for the looks. Again, it’s just my opinion. Shannon was more than happy to be in the photo with me.

Timarie Temecula CA Tilted Kilt TK

She was the bartender that I noticed as I entered. For a moment I even considered sitting in the bar. But it was way too crowded. In contrast the regular sitting area was far less crowded. I finally approached the manager to find out if she would take picture in the mid of her busy work. Before soon the manager was back with Timarie. Timarie was very sweet and friendly girl. What the TK uniform did to her boobs is something that is better seen than described in words.

Courteous Kourtney Hooters Anaheim CA

Kourtney was a bartender at Anaheim Hooters. She had an efficient manager to provide good support for her. She was very friendly to her customers but I suspect she might not be very friendly with the other girls. She is a very hot bartender though.

Popular Pitas – Hooters Anaheim CA

Pitas was, by far the most wanted waitress in the whole of Anaheim CA Hooters. She was the only girl with short top. She had a cute ass and was very attractive. Actually guys on one of her other tables were taking her picture and that prompted me to ask her sooner than what I was planning. In any case, we have the pictures now and I am very happy. One of the curious points for me is the way that the girls arrange their hair. Here you can clearly see that Pitas has covered near her hands with her hair but has left her boobs / cleavage wide open / uncovered. Sometimes I tell the girl to put her hair back but that was not necessary here.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

More about Long Beach Hooters CA

I went to Long Beach Hooters on my way to the airport. This time was a lot different. For starters, it was not very crowded in Hooters as well as the streets. I could for example find parking in the street. Bree pointed out that the parking lot is free for Hooters customers. All we have to do is to get the parking ticket validated at Hooters. The other major difference was that the number of short tops had reduced drastically. One thing that did remain same was that the girls were very friendly with me. They were having fun and talking to me. Also the other thing that remained same was that I got pictures of and with both bartenders. The good thing today was that one of the bartenders, Bree, was in short top. The Photo is of the girls posing with a customer. I was able to take this with the kind permission of Hooters girl and the customer.

Oriental Myth - Hooters Long Beach CA

This is the other Long Beach Hooters CA bartender whose real name I do not know. I thought she would turn down my request and was overwhelmed when she agreed. In that excitement, I forgot to asked her name. Then I asked my waitress Dakota if she knew her name. She did not. Then she left for the day. Usually I gave heard people say that oriental (chinese) girls are flat-chest-ed. But as you can clearly see, not this one. She was dancing happily just before she left.

Eye Candy - Hooters Long Beach CA Cristina and Andrea

Cristina and Andrea greeted me when I entered with their standard phrase “Welcome to Hooters. You can sit wherever you like.” Then they came to my table offering free Jell-o-shots. “They contain vodka and taste really good” said Cristina. I said “I do not drink alcohol but would certainly like to have picture with you if you don’t mind”.

Free Bree - Hooters Long Beach CA

Bree is a super cool bartender at Long Beach Hooters CA with short top. She has her iPhone under the table which she often sits down and checks. Also, the conversation went like this:
Me: what is your name
Bree: Bre
Me: B-r-i? That’s a strange name
Bree: No B-r-e-e
Me: like Free Bree
Bree: But I am not for free
Me: But you are free (like independent)
Bree: Yes I am free (flapping ler hands like a bird)

Awesome Bosom - Hooters Long Beach CA

Dakota the black girl, was my waitress. She is less than one month old to Hooters. She does not even know the names of half the girls. She needs to loosen up as bit and talk freely. Hope she learns this soon. The billing also had lot of mistakes, but I did not point them out. For example, she charged me extra for the dressing on side for carrot and celery, which by now I know. Good luck Dakota.

Victory on Victoria from Long Beach Hooters

 Victoria was a surprise packet. I thought she had glanced to check if I was staring at her as she passed 3 tables from me. I thought she might not be a friendly girl. On the contrary, she was extremely friendly girl. Just like Bree, she asked my name and told me to come often. She also tried to sell me some hooters t-shirts but I was getting ready to leave for a flight for long weekend. Her name tag said Melanie (same name as the Asian girl that I borrowed pen from). That is when she corrected me and said her name was Victoria and that she was wearing the wrong name tag.