Friday, October 22, 2010

Nose and beauty

Somebody once asked me what is the first thing that I notice in a girl. The answer is nose. I like big and pointed noses. The curve in the nose is most welcome. Here we see beautiful nose Rachel posing with me. Also notice the bright light behind that has screwed up the picture. I sometimes don't follow my own rules and land in trouble.

Slim fast

They say the first part of your body that you start putting weight, is the lats place that looses when you are in a weight loss program. Also, weight loss is disproportionate if you use medicine or liposuction. Here you can see that Alexis who is just in her second shift in Towson but has worked 5 months in Waldorf, has a beautiful upper body but a disproportionately humongous butt and legs. A job half done. Is this a design flaw or intended that way. African and hispanic guys would love her ass and body.

Smart Angel

Angel is a friendly girl and a very intelligent talker. There was this incident when i was hugging her that I touched her ass. She was very upset about it but later got over it. While posing for the photo with her, I noticed that her skin was soft like silk. She was also upset when I told her that I was frequenting Kilt and hence my long absence.

Jasmina - Straight Talk

Her mother is a Belgian white lady. Her father is a African boxing coach. She seemed interested in spending time with me and I had some specific questions to ask. We talked about Tilted Kilt dress. I wanted to know if some girls could have different size top and bottom for example, a medium size top and small size bottom. She said it happens a lot. Next we talked the different types of hair and she said straight and curly. She also mentioned that her hair were natural shape and color. She is a track runner doing sprints. She has also run cross-country (without tracks just run in the woods) and finds it relieves the mind. She has travelled throughout Europe to get "cultured". She is just 18 years old and is 5 feet and nine inches and has stayed the same height since she was 13 year old. Her mom constantly forces her to eat and she yields to it. This is Jasmina.

Warm Keona

Keona is a very cool hooters girl. She never minds if you stare at her and watch her body. She also remembers the orders that you made on previous time and inquires if you want the same. Also she can handle several tables simultaneously. She participated in beauty contest and is from Florida. She is smart and always has smile on face. She also has a good body.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Non photogenic

Some girls such as Kelsy might look good when you watch from the table but might look very ordinary on a picture. Ensure that every picture is well taken with proper lighting and highlighting the aspects in her that attracted you the most. Just feel free to express your unhappiness in case photo is not up to your expectation. Girls like guys who can express themselves.

Photography tricks

Some shy girls like Andi tend to have their hair in the front in order to avoid proper view of their boobs. Sometimes you do not get proper quality pictures because of lighting. Here are some suggestions to handle such situation.
  1. Do not panic
  2. Check to ensure that there are no lights or windows behind you by standing in front of a pillar or dark wall
  3. After photo is taken, check with girl if photo is all right. If not request for one more.
  4. Ask the person taking photo to take 3 or 4 snaps in various angles
  5. Request that the girl pull her hair back due to shadows

    Wednesday, October 20, 2010

    Affair with Danielle

    This girl was very pretty and sweet. I had my doubts about her level of beauty among the cream. Those were resolved when I saw her with her boyfriend in a black cocktail dress. She is stunning. In retrospect, I now think her size is small. I do not have a lot more to remember about her though. I am sure her boyfriend is happy.

    Expedition to Boise

    The trip was very bad with canceled flights and overnight in Airport. However this brief visit to Boise Hooters was a good experience. Girl for the first time suggested that I take picture with other girls. Was very friendly and I felt at home here. I should add that these girls were all medium to large. Another successful venture.


    I got to admit at this point that for the duration that I used to go to the Raleigh, NC Hooters, I used to be very frugal. As a result, I just used to order coffee and be content with the free refills. The girls in Hooters and probably even the Managers hated me for this. Due to this reason, two unhappy and one happy face can be seen in this picture.

    Beauty Contest

    I have never been to beauty contest and it was by sheer luck that I stumbled on this one in Raleigh, NC. I got an idea of how a beauty contest happens and met some men as enthusiastic as myself. These contests happen with very less in terms of infrastructure. There is a big tent where the actual contest happens. These girls are getting ready outside the tent. Then there is the groups sneaking marketing materials for night clubs and other activities. There is a steep rate to get into the tent in order to watch the contest. The restaurant also runs in parallel serving food to its customers.

    About Gina

    This slender, tall and beautiful girl Gina waited for me in Towson, MD. She is the first waitress that spent such a lot of time with me. It was new to me since I used to read book when there was no action going on. With Gina waiting for me, I am happy to say that I could not read a single page. She grew up in Baltimore and knew good restaurants such as Frank and Nick's and Miss Shelley. She says that she would prefer to work in Baltimore downtown Hooters than here. She likes to have a lot of customers to entertain. The African girl is her best friend.

    Closing time

    I have observed that there is lot of cleanup and setup activities that these girls do during closing time. Often if you are already dining, they allow you to stay a few minutes after closing. In my opinion, this is the right time to really watch these eye popping girls. This is the time when their curves/figure/shape comes alive. I was watching this conspicuously and she was not enjoying this. Her name is Monica and she happens to be on my left side (and reader's right) in this picture.

    Revealing intimacy

    It was a great evening when Lindsay gave all her time to me. She was glad to disclose that she frequently has oral sex with her partner and has given him several BJs. She also revealed her tendency to use vibrator and even told me which her favorite one was. She took this unique photo displaying her gifted body. She also talked a lot about herself.

    Very sweet very cute

    This extremely good looking girl sits next to you and talks equally well to all customers. We had a good chat and I saw her talking equally well to a bunch of old guys. She has a beautiful smile and innocent look. She hopes that by talking, she has a better chance of getting a good tip. I think she is right about that one. God bless this sexy blondie!

    Reception Trick

    One of the tricks that Tilted Kilt uses is that they put cute girl in reception but she does not wait. So I ensured that I had a picture with her. This girl is brand new and is very shy in the picture. Some shy girls say that I want picture with other girls but not alone. She is not even smart to say that. She was shy when my hands curled on he bare waist but was not bold to oppose. Thats what I call shy and timid. She will change atleast one quality soon.

    Innocent Chelsea

    Chelsea spent a tonne of her time with me the other daywe I was siting in her table. She talked of how her boyfriend did not like her working at Hooters because of the uniform, how she sometimes wears glasses and sometimes prefers contacts, how the other girl is a big complainer and gets to go home sooner, et al. She turns here and there talking to other Hooters girls and twists allowing me a good look a her chest area and beyond. I can say and you can see that god has bountifully gifted her. According to her, her mother is from Belgium and her father is African. What a combination! Also to note, the girl who took this picture mentioned to me that I look like a teddy bear.

    She always has something to say

    Ana Gallardo was serving the table next to mine. It was then that I observed this remarcable girl making true conversations with her customers. She was talking about too many traffik cops on that road, about her dress and so many things. Next time I sat in her table, I observed the same great treatment to me. She talked about het hair extension, how she preferred to wait certain tables and so on. I became a regular` at her table and she used to voluntarily hug me everytime we met. She also showed me her haloween photo and asked me to vote her every day on facebook. She just knows how much time to spend with each client and how to get them back into her table. She is a very smart girl and knows how to use her beauty and smartness in the right combination. If you ever go to Roswell, GA Hooters you would want to sit in her table. Her style may be unconventional but she gives you feeling of warmth and coordial friendship. Other Hooters girls should learn from her.

    Taylor from Roswell

    Taylor is one category that you find sometimes in Hooters or Tilted Kilt. They:
    • Do not talk much
    • Come and serve you without a smile and check on you once in a blue moon
    • Take a break without telling you or putting another waitress in place
    • Give the check even when you are not ready to check out
    • Spend too much time on a friend's or relative's table
    She is convervative. Then I lay my hand on her butt.

    Friendly Mercedes

    Mercedes is just 2 weeks old to Hooters. She was very friendly and gave me a lot of attention. She was impressed by the fact that I knew a lot of girls there. All in simles she was very glad to pose for the pictures. She feels that her self confidence has improved after she started working at Hooters. She also feels that she is developing her personality. Good luck Mercedes and hope you entertain lot of guests just like me.

    Airforce baby

    Fat girl Brianna is joining US Airforce in Feb. She will be initially trained to diffuse bombs in Texas and then deployed in Afghanistan in September. This bombshell is already engaged. The other bombshell is Jessica. She has blond hair up to her waist and is a cheerleader type girl.

    Courtney of Sandy Springs Tlited Kilt

    Today I learned the dress sizes of these girls. The dresses come in 3 sizes, small medium and large. One of the things that they ask a job applicant to do is try the size. If a size fits, invariably she is hired. Then they have to pay for the dress and it has to be returned when she quits.Also, she has to stay in that size. In case she does not, she is given 2 weeks to get back in shape. When we say size it is the side measurements and not the height. Courtney here from the Sandy Springs Tilted Kilt, Georgia is wearing small size.