Monday, October 17, 2011

Dannielle - stimulating and honest

Danielle is very energetic girl, moving very fast from table to table serving her happy customers. She would pass by so fast that I couldn’t ask her to be in the picture.She walked with a purpose and looked serious but was very friendly to talk. After the first two pictures were taken, I went and complained to her that they did not come out good. She agreed to take the pictures again after completing her work. She came back after her work was done to take pictures.

Leslie from Hooters at Brookfield, Wisconsin

Some girls do not have a photogenic face but are beautiful to watch. Leslie belongs to that category. She has huge boobs and looks beautiful. She also did not seem to notice my gawks. In general she was cool and happy.

She eventually took over from Kaitlyn. Extremely beautiful and cute. Big boobs just like Alyssia. Is it that they select big boob girls only or is it something with the uniform. She is the girl in the left (my right).

Silent and bold Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn from Hooters at Brookfield, Wisconsin is a short and friendly girl. She didn’t spend much time at my table but took good care of regulars. She is very possessive and was very upset that I was taking pictures with other girls and didn’t request her for one. She lightened up much after I requested her to pose in the pics.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Busty Beth Hooters Anaheim CA

As I was waiting for Priscilla for a picture, I took couple of snaps of Beth for time pass. Beth was wondering if I needed her picture alone or with some other girls. I choose the former. While I was waiting, I also made some small talk with her. While she didn’t look attractive on the floor, she looks too good in the pictures. She is a connoisseur’s delight.

Priscilla Hooters Anaheim CA

Priscilla was a busy waitress that looked very pretty. I soon found out that most of the Hooters girls in this location are South Americans. Priscilla even has an unmistakable accent. Like some girls, she made me wait before she came to get her picture taken.

Holly and Alley Temecula CA Tilted Kilt TK

 There are a couple of doors with connected to same room. These girls seem to performing magic trick disappearing from one room and appearing from the other door. Sometimes I feel they were trying to avoid the gawks. Alley was probably aware of my gapes.

I do not know what fascination these girls have to stand sideways. May be it is a modeling pose. Sometimes I ask the girl to stand straight, but in this case I did not since it looks in 2 dimensions like her boobs were pressing on my body.

Maddie Temecula CA Tilted Kilt TK

Maddie is quarter black and rest white. The result is full sexy. She disappeared for long durations, but when she did spend time at it seemed like forever. Mostly I have observed that the girls are very nice to you when it is about time you are planning to leave. This is with the hope of bagging a good tip. Maddie was no different.