Friday, May 25, 2012

Sexy Demon - Devan

Devan was my waitress at Tilted Kilt Raleigh. Some girls seem to be more beautiful as you keep talking to them. The more I talked to Devan, the more I loved her. When I took her photo, I asked her to pull her hair back and she absolutely did not mind. The best is when he held me tight when we were taking photo with her. I felt ecstatic. More importantly I solved a problem that I have been facing consistently. The girl asks what are you going to do with the picture. If you say facebook or blog, she refuses the picture saying I don't want to be in a blog / facebook. So I thought how to handle this problem. The solution is that you tell her that you what to keep her photo in the wallpaper of your iPhone. I showed Devan, Megan's picture on my iPhone and asked her if she knew how to set it as my wall paper. She willingly set it up for me. To please her further, tell her that you want to keep changing the wallpaper everyday. That way she will be motivated to get her friend to pose in a different picture. Also, that way you get a one on one picture with the girls.

Beautiful Linsey

I think I overpraised Linsey. I repeatedly told her that she was beautiful. Then she said this story that she was a model. I seemed to be impressed. Megan who took the photos was not happy that I was praising Linsey so much.

Smart Shelly

Shelly is a short top girl and seemed smart and has very expressive face. After I took the photos, she inquired if I was going to put them in my facebook. While I was playing with my cell phone and thinking, she kept looking at me in anticipation of a reply. I told her that I did not have a facebook account and did not have time for it. Then she felt at ease. In general she seemed to be a fun loving girl.

New ideas

One of the techniques is to lure the girl bu telling her that you want to buy merchandise items. When you have looked at all items, including calendar, coffee mugs,... you finally tell her that you want to think about it. Also tell her that you will be visiting the following day and would come up with a decision by then. You are looking for something subtle. On a hindsight you might also take one of the spongy merchandise toys and squeeze the boob. Then tell her that you would like to get her picture. Or get the picture before you squeeze the toy. Then see what happens. For the most part, Dominique was "cooperative". I leave the rest for you to imagine and figure out.

New in game

Bailey is a new girl and this was just her second day. She was just a trainee hanging behind Shelly. So I took control of the situation and requested her for a photo. There is another technique I want to explain here. I told my waitress that I had forgotten to lock my car and was going to check on it. Then on the way back from checking the car, I just "happened" to meet her and get the photos. Look at her slender figure, black hair and tanned body. This is my Hooters girl of the day from Long Beach.

Sensitive ass Angelina

Angelina was the most attractive girl in the Long Beach Hooters. I have taken photos with several girls, but she is one of the few that is sensitive around the ass area. She wriggled as I kept my hand on her ass. I quickly apologized and kept my hands on her bare and slender upper arm. Was a lot of fun since she tried to postpone the photo for a long time. She spends a lot of her time with all her clients and would be a good waitress to have.

JATKG - Tiffany

Tiffany is just another Tilted Kilt girl and I do not know much about her.

Peppy bubbly girl Emily

Emily is a peppy bubbly girl who greeted me well and readily agreed for a picture. However all the enthusiasm was gone when told her that I would be putting her picture in my blog. She is the bold and beautiful image of Anaheim Hooters. One of the new things that I started with her and then later did with several other girls, is the front camera. I took one photo and told her she needed to come closer which she did. It was a tonne of fun and the beginning of a new chapter.

Andrea - doll faced baby girl

Andrea is a doll faced baby girl. I accidentally found another technique to get close ups. As you try to demonstrate to the person taking the picture, you "accidentally" thake the picture. In this case it was Andrea's boobs. It could be anything. Even a video! Enjoy.


She is a friendly waitress. I told her, she is beautiful and she blushed. It is these small things that make these girls special.

Amber sextremely xy

She is an extremely sexy girl that you want to keep looking. She is bold and smiled at me when I was gawking.

Ana again! New look new attitude

She was all charged up with excess mascara and eye shadow. I kept praising her and she grew suspicious. Got some pics but her legs we're in the shadows. She is one of the few waitresses that follows hooters bimbo policy. Look at the old post on hooters check list for waitresses.

Earning to be blondo league

Kacy volunteered to be in the pic. Good. I encouraged her for than. She tried to help writing in the card but didn't have a permanent marker. Made a fool of herself and was fun to watch trying different pens.

Bowled over lacie

She was sitting on the glass counter just idling away when I entered. I tried to have small talk. I think it is because of her humungous breasts that slowed her down. But she was game for the pics.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New protocol after Liz

I have decided to follow a new protocol henceforth. Photos will not be posted if that person does not wish it to be there in my blog. For the photos that are already there, I would remove it based on the comment posted by the individual whose photo needs to be removed. In retrospect, this blog was started as a simple experiment of self study. I never imagined that at some point there would be thousands of readers. More so, at first it was never intended to violate anybody's rights. Since it is easy to flounder away from the original intent, it is important to establish principles. Visit to Anaheim, CA Hooters proved to be an eye opener.Liz is an experienced hooters girl and a certified trainer. She asked me if I needed the picture for my blog. Then she agreed for the pictures. She is a very friendly, popular and fun oriented girl.