Wednesday, October 20, 2010

She always has something to say

Ana Gallardo was serving the table next to mine. It was then that I observed this remarcable girl making true conversations with her customers. She was talking about too many traffik cops on that road, about her dress and so many things. Next time I sat in her table, I observed the same great treatment to me. She talked about het hair extension, how she preferred to wait certain tables and so on. I became a regular` at her table and she used to voluntarily hug me everytime we met. She also showed me her haloween photo and asked me to vote her every day on facebook. She just knows how much time to spend with each client and how to get them back into her table. She is a very smart girl and knows how to use her beauty and smartness in the right combination. If you ever go to Roswell, GA Hooters you would want to sit in her table. Her style may be unconventional but she gives you feeling of warmth and coordial friendship. Other Hooters girls should learn from her.

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