Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friendly KT with sweet accent at Charlotte Bikinis Sports Bar and Grill

 I was in Charlotte and driving to my hotel when I noticed Bikinis Sports Bar and Grill. My curiosity got the better of me and I took a sharp right turn to get in. My eyes feasted on KT who is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her eyes were grey and she had the sweetest thing. She also had a German accent. She agreed for the picture but made me agree that I would not do anything "bad" with it. I can only hope that this is not what she meant. In any case, the conversation got to a point that I had to tell her how I wanted to franchise the chain. She gave me innumerable and valuable information about Bikinis. She was also a model in the Bikini contest. These are her pictures. Click to enlarge (..the picture). Also notice that in one picture, my hand is literally on her ass. There is photo of guys lifting her and one where she is adjusting her panties.

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