Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Black or white

Two new girls to choose from. One was extreme black (Velissa) and the other was extreme white (Christina). I chose black. She had good marketing skills offering the item with highest margin. Till the end she tried to sell me a cap or one of the other merchandise items. Her friend was a dull witted girl with mile long legs. We talked for a while but she seemed to be mean business. Finally I am glad to have gotten off giving her only a $3.00 tip and not buying any merchandise items. You might observe that her teeth are too white. This is because she is a student of dental hygiene.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hunter and hunted

Her name is Hunter. But I hunted her down as soon as she checked in for the day. I walked up to her requesting for a photo. She was in the bar and busy and said she would come by my table. I did not believe her but sat in my table anyway. She did not delay much. She came and we waited for the photographer Sante. This the the second time in two days that Sante took my photograph with another hooters girl. While we were waiting for Sante, I shot a photo of Hunter. This will be my new technique for the future. While waiting, take photo of the girl you are waiting with.


Sante is a very sexy black girl with big boobs. I have seen her several times but never actually sat at her table. She is a full time in Hooters and is on a break in her graduation. She is going to complete three years in Hooters. She spends some time at the table and rest with her regular customers. Mostly her clients are black guys. She is a seasoned girl. She readily accepted to pose but was alert to refuse posing in front of me.

Mystic Lakyn

There s nothing new that the new Hooters girls are shy. Lakyn was an exception to this. She readily agreed to the photo.The photographer complained that I did not smile in the first photo. I do not know much about Lakyn but the fact that she is friendly and will make a great Hooters girl if she sticks around.

Fun with Robyn

If it is artificial display of interest, Robyn could be a contender. We however do not care. As long as we get service, we are happy. Robyn was accurate in taking orders and getting back what I needed. More importantly she has big breasts, she was friendly and prompt. She looked a bit older than some of the other girls. She has a thick southern accent as she is from Alabama.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Some girls are perfectly comfortable wearing the Hooters uniform. They are hyperactive and playful. But when it comes to taking photo, they seem to be skeptical and loose steam. Emily is such a girl. Since I did not get a good shot of her with me, I followed up with pics of Amber and Emily, just to get a better shot as explained in previous blog entry. Notice that Emily was the bartender because she does not have the brown strap around her waist.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Amberly hills

The first person that I talked to when I went in was blond girl Amber. I asked her where Heather's table was and she said all of Heather's tables were taken. As dumb as she is, she was standing and watching as Heather and myself where getting our picture taken. She was waiting to be taken after that I and I took her. This is a live demo of how stupid a person can be. As soon as I requested a picture with her, she adjusted her hair to fall in the front to cover her boobs. She was clueless that her breasts were clearly visible. Hail blondies!

The bold and the ugly

Eva boldly walked to my table and asked what I wanted to drink. I said Heather was my waitress. She checked on the computer and agreed with me. Although her face was not great, she had a great body and her hips were not covered. This is where I decided to get picture with her. The one with her on the side was good. She was slightly uncomfortable with the forward shot but I made her take it anyway. You can see the uneasiness on her face. Also notice her naval which looks different from normal. Katelyn took these pictures.

The bold and the beautiful

I asked Heather if I could sit in her table. She was sharp and bold in her conversation and was very expressive. I got a picture with her. But my worst fears came true. Her breasts were shielded by her thick and black hair and could not be seen in the picture. This is where I discovered a new technique. After shooting a photo with her, I followed with a solo shot of her. This would help me to define the context when I look at the two pictures at a later date.

In the passing

I was about to leave and had been watching one of the bartenders for a while. Her name is Lia. I went up and asked if I could get a picture with her. She hesitated and asked why. I said for myself. She again hesitated and then asked if the other bartender could also be in a picture. I agreed. The other bartender had left and I got the picture with her alone.

Long live the confused

Britany is a tall, thin and tasty waitress. She is a lookalike of Toni, only around 4 to 6 inch taller. I asked Toni if I could get a picture with Britanny. After a lot of confusion, Britany agreed. We first took a picture of her with me. Then I asked her to stand in the front and I held her hips. She said she was not sure if she would do that. As she was moving away, I posed with my hands on her shoulders. Still confused she waited and the picture was taken.

Veggie delight

Toni is a vegetarian for the past 1 month. She had been a vegetarian for a while some three years back. As you can see, she a has a glow in her skin. She also has a perfect body and a friendly smile. One of the ideas is to have a short haired girl in the picture. That way she cannot cover her boobs. In the picture with her in the front, I had both my hands on her for a while. This is because the photographer was figuring out to work with the camera. I should say that her skin was soft and it felt great. Marion, her friend recognized me from my previous visit. Toni said she said some good things about me. Good or bad, I am just glad that she remembered me. There was another lesson for me here. There is a good chance that girl will agree for picture if you ask her directly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bitch Fight

Ashley came in suddenly to say that the she was my actual waitress. She served well and readily agreed to take picture with Rachel. I was happy. I asked if she would take my pic with the bartender girl. Looks like she did not have a good rapport with the bartender. I decided to raise the stake by asking her what was her maximum tip of the day. She tried desperately to get the bartender to agree. She made me wait with no result. Finally I left without giving tip. Campbell, CA Hooters might now be a fun place to visit some serious bitch fighting going on.

At First Sight

I was worried when they gave me a table at a corner. It turned out that Rachel would my charming and sexy waitress. She treated me with a pleasant smile. She gave this nice pose with me. She also took couple of pics of mine with Ashley. As it turned out Ashley was my actual waitress and Rachel was just filling in when Ashley was on a break. These are photos of Rachel. Photos of Ashley are next titled Bitch Fight.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uptight and Loose Denise

 I have been to California so many times but never went to Hooters. Its been over a month since I went to one. Denise my waitress was very uptight from the very beginning. Spent minimal time at my table. This short and lean Chinese girl was very indifferent to me. I was quick to get to the point. I wanted to have photo with the beautiful white girl Angel. Angel was very friendly and affectionate. She posed well for a photo.

I was quick to request Angel to take photo of Denise with me. The question was directed to Angel, and it would be too awkward for Denise to refuse. Angel took two photos of Denise and me. The first smile came to Denise when a white guy that she knew walked in. Then couple of more known guys came and she was over friendly and spent lot of time with them. I had to leave and asked her if she would take my pic with the bartender. She was too smart and refused with excuses such as the bartender cannot come out, she is too busy and soon. I had the final laugh when I gave her a zero dollar tip for her half-hearted service knowing fully well that she could have done better (like she did to the known guys in the other table).